May 19 - June 9, 2016
Journeys: Valentina DuBasky & Barbara Arum
Structural Breakdown: Robert Petrick
On The Wall: Kenneth Sean Golden
Carter Burden Gallery presents three new exhibitions: Journeys in the east gallery featuring Barbara Arum and Valentina DuBasky, Structural Breakdown 3.0 in the west gallery featuring Robert W. Petrick and On the Wall featuring Kenneth Sean Golden. The reception will be held May 19, 2016 from 6 - 8 p.m. The exhibition runs from May 19th through June 9th.
Barbara Arum
In Journeys, Barbara Arum presents reliquary sculptures for her first exhibition at Carter Burden Gallery. Arum creates reliquaries to hold the relics she has collected through her life. These relics come from her journeys around the world: Cameroon, Brazil, Peru, Papua New Guinea, Washington, and New York. Arum’s work is based on her deep respect for all living things and her concern about the environment. Arum carves the reliquaries from Douglas Fir. Many of the reliquaries have doors that were made by the local artisans of the many places she has traveled. Arum views this combining of the local artisans work with hers as an entwining of their spirits and energy.

Valentina DuBasky
In Journeys, Valentina DuBasky presents recent paintings for her first exhibition at Carter Burden Gallery. DuBasky’s paintings explore the correspondences between ancient, totemic creatures and the contemporary imagination. In many, a single-image of a horse, stag or bison is pitched on the edge of abstraction and can be read as animal, abstraction, landscape or still life. In others, groups of animals, including horses, gazelles, birds and imaginary creatures, are juxtaposed with petroglyphs and plants that appear and fade within layers of paint, suggesting a natural ecosystem in which all life is interdependent. The paintings are inspired by DuBasky’s recent travels to the Protected Forest in Cambodia, one of the last protected forest areas in Southeast Asia, and by her travels along the Silk Route in China, India and Central Asia, where she has researched Buddhist cave paintings and ancient art to prepare for own modern-day, cave-wall paintings.

Robert W. Petrick
In Structural Breakdown 3.0, Robert W. Petrick presents recent abstract paintings for his third exhibition at Carter Burden Gallery. Petrick’s art is an effort to push the boundaries of quiet and chaos, the simple and the complex. By inventing and exploring new painting applications and techniques and working within a non-objective painting structure, his current work attempts to explore the concepts of expansion and compression.

Kenneth Sean Golden
Kenneth Sean Golden’s large-scale installation, featured in the gallery space On the Wall, will consist of a large horizontal black and white photographic print of layered and partially masked images exploring masculinity and sexuality. The politics of representation are of the utmost importance to the artist and with the growth of technologies, the computer is an important tool. As a gay man, the artist is engaged in creating work that addresses today’s sensibility. The work becomes a meditation on his identity as part of a larger context. In his work, there is a density of elements that lends itself to a multiplicity of meanings, challenging and playing with how we see, and mixing reading with seeing.