December 7 - December 21, 2017
Holiday Bazaar
I TOOK THAT?!: Photographs by Margaret Smith
On the Wall: Cassandra Jennings Hall
Original, handmade, local, affordable holiday gifts of ceramics, jewelry, textiles, small artworks and more will be on sale at a pop-up Holiday Bazaar on December 7 through 21 at the Carter Burden Gallery, located at 548 West 28th Street #534 in Manhattan. The Opening Reception for the show will be on Thursday, December 7 from 6:00 - 8:00pm.
Art lovers and holiday shoppers will have an amazing opportunity to purchase the artwork and crafts designed and made by over 40 professional artists ranging from ceramics (including decorative and functional wares), jewelry, prints, and textiles. There will also be small artworks ranging in style from abstract to representational made in acrylic, oil, and mixed media on canvas and paper for sale for $100 and under. The Holiday Bazaar Show coincides with I TOOK THAT?! featuring photographs by Margaret Smith and On The Wall featuring Cassandra Jennings Hall.
Artists include: Elisabeth Jacobsen, Amy Zinman, Azita Ghafouri, Davida Hyland, Robert Petrick, Ann Kronenberg, Sylvia Harnick, Bernice Sokol Kramer, Caroline Holder, Diane Schneck, Ellen Gelber, Quimetta Perle, Kate Missett, Jackie Spatz, Mel Smothers, Louella Streitz, Anna Walter, Claudia Fitch, Cheryl Bryant, Angela Valeria, Joan Mellon, Courtney Krings, Charlene Tarbox, Nieves Saah, Mew Chiu, Nanette Ronner, Miriam Jacobs, Liz Curtin, Reidunn Fraas, Tina Doyle, Regina Silvers, Barbara Lubliner, Oliia Beens, Soma, Nancy Klots, Karin Bruckner, Kevin C. Hill, Emily Rich, Marilyn Sontag, Harriet Livathinos, Vera Sapozhnikov, Helen Iranyi, Beth Barry, Cari Rosemarin, and Joyce Rezendes
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the artwork and crafts will support the Carter Burden Network, one of New York City’s oldest and most respected aging services and advocacy organizations.