December 9 - 23, 2015
Small Works Show
Holiday Bazaar
Carter Burden Gallery presents two new exhibitions: Small Works Show in the east gallery featuring the work of over 50 gallery artists, and Holiday Bazaar in the west gallery featuring the high-end crafts of over 15 makers. The opening reception will be held Wednesday, December 9th, 2015 from 6 - 8 p.m. On Thursday, December 10th, the gallery will be open until 8 PM. The Small Works Show runs through December 23rd and the Holiday Bazaar runs through December 12th.
In the Small Works Show, the Carter Burden Gallery invited the gallery artists to create new small work. The gallery did not place any restrictions on the materials or the subject matter. The artists had complete freedom in the work that they created. The resulting paintings, photographs, sculpture, and collages vary significantly, highlighting each artist’s unique voice. The only constraint on the work, other than that the work be small, was for the prices of the pieces to all be set to $200. The gallery intends for the work to be accessible to both new and seasoned art collectors at this price.
The gallery artists included in this exhibition are: Jonathan Bauch, Olivia Beens, Claire Boren, Beverly Brodsky Arnold Brooks, Kathy Bruce, Myrna Burks, David Cerulli, Marilyn Church, Alicia Clarens, Liz Curtin, Valentina DuBasky, Lynn Gall, Azita Ghafouri, Judy Glasser, Basia Goldsmith, Jane Greer, Mary Rieser Heintjes, Molly Heron, Helen Iranyi, Elisabeth Jacobsen, Cassandra Jennings Hall, Ann Kronenberg, Helen Levin, Mitchell Lewis, Lindsay, Robert Ludwig, Francie Lyshak, Thomas McAnulty, Margo Mead, Joan Mellon, Rifka Milder, Kate Missett, Irmari Nacht, Susan Newmark, Ruth Nicholson, Hilda O'Connell, Quimetta Perle, Sara Petitt, Robert Petrick, Jean Promutico, Charles Ramsburg, Karen Green Recor, Rod Recor, Joyce Rezendes, Emily Rich, Martin Ries, Cari Rosmarin, Kiyoko Sakai, Sumayyah Samaha, Vera Sapozhnikova, Diane Schneck, Sheila Schwid, Hanna Seiman, Susan Skoorka, Marilyn Sontag, Angela Valeria, Blossom Verlinsky, Anna H. Walter, John Whittaker, & Leslie Shaw Zadoian.

The Carter Burden Gallery is very pleased to present our first Holiday Bazaar in conjunction with the Small Works Show. The goods featured in the Holiday Bazaar have been carefully selected to present high-quality crafts. The goods include items such as ceramics, jewelry, quilts, art dolls, ornaments, handbags, and artist-made cards. The Holiday Bazaar items will be sold for cash to benefit the Carter Burden Gallery and artists. While the items range in price, most items are under $100.